
Trading What You See

Solving chop problem in frustrating market… One of the most difficult aspects of this market right now is the chop that we’re facing. Many traders are trying to front-run a downtrend making them really frustrated. Remember, trade what you see, not what you think. Any trend, including a downtrend, needs confirmation. Chop does not provide … Read more

What To Trade Today?

Find missing ‘corners’ trading in any market…     How does an exchange traded fund (ETF) and a sector allow traders to better understand the broader averages and individual stocks? In so many ways, ETFs give us more clarity versus the indices.  Let’s talk about these relationships… Relationships between ETFs, indexes, sectors, and stocks are not adversarial, … Read more

Stop Overpaying For Options

Using ETFs to navigate choppy markets Why is overpaying for options so important to avoid?  Because if you’re not conscious about what you’re paying, the percentage-based stops many traders tend to use will impact that percentage which will cause greater losses and missed opportunities in your account. Remember, we’re always looking to minimize losses and … Read more