
Watch Crude, Gold

Watching Crude, Gold For December Positions   Today’s video will focus on what drove crude down in November. The short answer? COVID and crude have a negative, or inverse, relationship. The uptick in COVID cases is what drove crude prices down. What’s going to carry into December from this November narrative? Check out today’s video to … Read more

Healthcare Rising?

Healthcare Rollercoaster Looking To Climb Higher We are quickly approaching the end of the year. For many traders, they find this to be a confusing time due to Santa rallies and window dressing. These distractions lead to the most common questions we traders ask ourselves… “Where should I be looking?”   For the coming weeks, I … Read more

Let’s Talk Tech

 ‘Double green’ sector reveals market advantage…  Everyone loves to talk (and trade) tech. This is one of the most important sectors in the market, but not just any tech… Think XLK.  This exchange traded fund (ETF) means we’re focused mainly on Apple and Microsoft.  The XLK has really started to rally and it has gone … Read more

Peek Into Uranium

Focusing on ‘glowing,’ low-cost commodity One of my favorite things about exchange traded fund (ETF) picks is being able to show traders that there are many cool markets available.  In this video, we’re looking at uranium… What’s really cool about uranium is this is the only way to trade uranium using the URA Global X … Read more

Mind Of Bears, Bulls

Buyers, Sellers Fighting ‘Distribution’ Tug of War…  I’m very excited about this conversation because it combines a couple of things that have been a touchstone for my trading.  Number one is understanding market behavior. The psychology of the market that is represented by the candles or the collection of candles on key indicators that we’re … Read more