Focus on individual boats
November 10, 2020
We’re in an interesting part of the year. An interesting cycle that includes the election. With this, we as traders want to remember a few basic things. Let’s cover them right now. The first one is a bit of a…
Trading Futures + ETFs
November 6, 2020
“I’m a futures trader, can I trade ETFs?” I get this question all the time. Here’s the quick answer… Absolutely! Now you might be thinking, “Okay Ragh great… so how?” Trading Futures Through ETFs: You can trade specific futures markets…
Cracking open ETFs
November 3, 2020
Let’s talk about the ETF to individual stock connection. Probably the easiest way to go about this is by using a favorite analogy of mine: the boats and tide analogy. If you’re not familiar with the boats and tide analogy,…