
This Week’s Mastery Trades

The best way to understand what someone is doing is to see it firsthand. This is why we spend each Friday reviewing the day trades, swing trades, and our longer-term portfolio setups that we have taken in a given week.

These reviews give Sector Secrets Mastery members a way to reflect on their week. Sometimes, by Friday, we already forgot what we did on Monday. Reviewing your trades is a prudent way to measure your success and identify the loose ends that could use extra help.

For Countdown Trader subscribers, this is how you can see the trades we have taken, the strategies we use, and, most importantly, the outcome of the setups we took this week. This is how you can see what we are doing in Sector Secrets Mastery.

Let’s get to it!   

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Free Downloads

34 EMA Wave, GRaB Candles & Darvas 2.0 Indicator Downloads

Identify trends, sentiment, momentum and key price levels with Raghee's free indicators.


Propulsion Dots Indicator Download

A dynamic indicator based on the comparison of 2 EMAs in the form of buy and sell dots.
