
Volatility Is Psychology

If you can understand and measure psychology, you will have a substantial edge in your trading. The problem is, how do you measure psychology?  Psychology is volatility. By measuring volatility, you get your answer to market psychology.  Nearly one quarter into 2023, and it doesn’t look like the markets are getting any more predictable. Believe … Read more

How Do You Eat An Elephant?

“There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” The same is true with trading. When we want to take on the many parts involved in trading…The best way is to take one bite at a time.  The DPMR tool kit breaks down short-term swing trades in an environment without … Read more

Stop Losing Money

These are the big questions I get on a daily bases from traders. Why am I losing money? Where is this market going? The answer is really simple.  For the largest group of traders consistently losing money (whether it’s a weekly timeframe, daily timeframe, one-hour timeframe, or day trading) the answer is market structure.  If … Read more